In Canada, there are four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn (fall).In winter, the days are short and can be quite cold. When outdoors, people wear mittens or gloves, scarves, hats, warm coats and insulated boots. In summer, the days are long and are usually warm.
Along with each season comes allergies and some common diseases.
This section explains you about different health conditions in different seasons. It also gives you tips for avoiding complications due to extreme weather changes.
Your health outdoors: What you can do in spring and summer.
Hay Fever US Government information
Hay Fever UK Government information
All about Frostbite
Wind Chill – The Chilling Facts
Cold Environments: Health Effects and First Aid
Winter Storm Safety Checklist
Preparing for Winter
Seasonal Allergies: Nip them in the Bud
Air Quality Health Index
Winter Storm Preparedness
Summer Eating Hints
Why do people have seasonal allergies?
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